The mix of wary animals and curious spectators is always an adventure. Help us make the experience fun and successful by following our important parade etiquette:
We are dog lovers, but NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED at the Sheep Trailing Parade for the sake of the sheep and the safety of spectators. Please leave your dog(s) at home or in the car for this part of the day. The guard dogs see any other dog as a threat, so it is for your dog’s safety not to be at the parade.
Stay on the curb at all times! If you step into the street, others along the route can’t see and if the sheep see a funnel ahead, it will spook them. It is for YOUR SAFETY AND THE SAFETY OF THE SHEEP AND ANIMALS. Don’t jump into the middle of the sheep—even for that perfect photograph. It will frighten the sheep.
Don’t walk through the sheep. Stay on the curb.
Do communicate with a volunteer or a sheep rancher if you spot a problem.
Do bring children BUT keep them with you at all times. Do take pictures BUT only from the side of the parade route.
Do enjoy the experience!
*The Bayfield Heritage Days organization prohibits hostile and antagonizing behavior.
We are dog lovers, but NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED at the Sheep Trailing Parade for the sake of the sheep and the safety of spectators. Please leave your dog(s) at home or in the car for this part of the day. The guard dogs see any other dog as a threat, so it is for your dog’s safety not to be at the parade.
Stay on the curb at all times! If you step into the street, others along the route can’t see and if the sheep see a funnel ahead, it will spook them. It is for YOUR SAFETY AND THE SAFETY OF THE SHEEP AND ANIMALS. Don’t jump into the middle of the sheep—even for that perfect photograph. It will frighten the sheep.
Don’t walk through the sheep. Stay on the curb.
Do communicate with a volunteer or a sheep rancher if you spot a problem.
Do bring children BUT keep them with you at all times. Do take pictures BUT only from the side of the parade route.
Do enjoy the experience!
*The Bayfield Heritage Days organization prohibits hostile and antagonizing behavior.